Hi there! :D I've got the Full Source version, and I was wondering if there could be any way to have some words in bold or italic. Thanks in any case :'D
Currently formatting is not supported. The issue is that the text is rerendered on a char-by-char basis, which would cause boldening with \*this\* into "\*th" haflway through, losing the connection. As it's currently coded it wouldn't be possible. THAT BEING SAID: I can try to add "format cursive" and "format bold" formatting options to addText as a whole - rendering a whole message with formatting. You could have single words formatted that way with clever autoAdvance setups. Is this something you wanna try out? If yes, I'll try to add that feature for you. No promises, though~
if you want to try your hand yourself at it (as you bought the full source), you can look into the Window_Narrative.prototype.refresh function.
There, you should see a "changetextcolor" function. if you at that point add another if or two to check for "i wanna embolden/cursive", it should work.
Bonjour, quand "BWG_NarrativeText" activer fonctionne bien mais, plus aucun dialogue entre PNJ possible.! J'ai desactiver tous les autre plugin, toujours pas de dialogue entre PNJ. !
Je peux confirmer que le bogue que vous avez signalé est un problème. Je l'ai corrigé dans la dernière version. Merci pour votre rapport et votre compréhension.
Je suis allé trop loin en essayant de créer une compatibilité avec VisuStella, et il s'agit d'un oubli malheureux. Si le moteur de base de VisuStellas était actif, le bogue ne se produisait pas.
Hello !
I can confirm that the bug you reported is a problem. I've fixed it in the latest version. Thank you for your report and your understanding.
I went too far in trying to create compatibility with VisuStella, and this is an unfortunate oversight. If the VisuStellas core engine was active, the bug would not occur.
Hi, I recently bought this package with the full source version. I was wondering if there is a way to ensure that in text, numbers with more than 4 digits are not separated by a dot. And i was wondering if it was possible to use a video as background to write on.
Hmmm... I don't specifically do any text formatting, so that probably comes from rmmz itself. I'll see what I can do over the weekend, maybe an optional parameter to switch that number formatting off.
Regarding videos: this plugin only covers the text. The images or whatever else you want to show comes from rmmz itself or another plugin.
If you got a video plugin with some looping background feel free to link it, I'll look into creating some compatibility.
For the numbers, i'm using the VisuMZ core engine which allows you to write numbers without a dot inside simply by transcribing it between curly brackets. (For example: {{1234}} )
For the videos, i'm actually not using any plugin for the video background, but I thought I was doing something wrong because it wouldn't let me show your plugin text above the video.
I added a parameter in "addText" with which you can switch that automatic formatting on and off. Unfortunately I can't add it via elegant {{}}, because Visustella can only check the closing brackets if they are actually there. In case of fading in narrative text Visustella sees "{{123" partially, for example.
That is an unfortunate limitation between those two plugins.
For movies I got bad news. Both a movie and a narrative text try to block the game via the waitmode. A movie sets the wait mode to "video", which basically blocks everything until that waitmode is set to idle. Similarly, this plugin blocks everything by setting the waitmode to "narrative", so those two things can never work together.
There might be other plugins that let you arbitrarily play video files without setting a waitmode, but as it is, this unfortunately just doesn't work out.
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Hi there! :D I've got the Full Source version, and I was wondering if there could be any way to have some words in bold or italic. Thanks in any case :'D
Thanks for buying~
Currently formatting is not supported. The issue is that the text is rerendered on a char-by-char basis, which would cause boldening with \*this\* into "\*th" haflway through, losing the connection. As it's currently coded it wouldn't be possible.
THAT BEING SAID: I can try to add "format cursive" and "format bold" formatting options to addText as a whole - rendering a whole message with formatting.
You could have single words formatted that way with clever autoAdvance setups. Is this something you wanna try out? If yes, I'll try to add that feature for you. No promises, though~
if you want to try your hand yourself at it (as you bought the full source), you can look into the Window_Narrative.prototype.refresh function.
There, you should see a "changetextcolor" function. if you at that point add another if or two to check for "i wanna embolden/cursive", it should work.
Bonjour, quand "BWG_NarrativeText" activer fonctionne bien mais, plus aucun dialogue entre PNJ possible.! J'ai desactiver tous les autre plugin, toujours pas de dialogue entre PNJ. !
Bonjour !
Je peux confirmer que le bogue que vous avez signalé est un problème. Je l'ai corrigé dans la dernière version. Merci pour votre rapport et votre compréhension.
Je suis allé trop loin en essayant de créer une compatibilité avec VisuStella, et il s'agit d'un oubli malheureux. Si le moteur de base de VisuStellas était actif, le bogue ne se produisait pas.
Hello !
I can confirm that the bug you reported is a problem. I've fixed it in the latest version. Thank you for your report and your understanding.
I went too far in trying to create compatibility with VisuStella, and this is an unfortunate oversight. If the VisuStellas core engine was active, the bug would not occur.
Hi, I recently bought this package with the full source version. I was wondering if there is a way to ensure that in text, numbers with more than 4 digits are not separated by a dot. And i was wondering if it was possible to use a video as background to write on.
Hmmm... I don't specifically do any text formatting, so that probably comes from rmmz itself. I'll see what I can do over the weekend, maybe an optional parameter to switch that number formatting off.
Regarding videos: this plugin only covers the text. The images or whatever else you want to show comes from rmmz itself or another plugin.
If you got a video plugin with some looping background feel free to link it, I'll look into creating some compatibility.
For the numbers, i'm using the VisuMZ core engine which allows you to write numbers without a dot inside simply by transcribing it between curly brackets. (For example: {{1234}} )
For the videos, i'm actually not using any plugin for the video background, but I thought I was doing something wrong because it wouldn't let me show your plugin text above the video.
I added a parameter in "addText" with which you can switch that automatic formatting on and off. Unfortunately I can't add it via elegant {{}}, because Visustella can only check the closing brackets if they are actually there. In case of fading in narrative text Visustella sees "{{123" partially, for example.
That is an unfortunate limitation between those two plugins.
For movies I got bad news. Both a movie and a narrative text try to block the game via the waitmode. A movie sets the wait mode to "video", which basically blocks everything until that waitmode is set to idle. Similarly, this plugin blocks everything by setting the waitmode to "narrative", so those two things can never work together.
There might be other plugins that let you arbitrarily play video files without setting a waitmode, but as it is, this unfortunately just doesn't work out.
Thank you very much! ❤️